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Deadbolt Locks and Why Homeowners Should Consider Them

By far the most widely used lock and key security mechanisms used for most homes are deadbolt locks. Deadbolt locks are popular for good reason and there are many perks that come from using deadbolts. Locksmiths highly recommended deadbolt locks to homeowners, as they are one of the easiest and most effective ways to keep one’s home secure.

Safety and Security

The first major advantage to having deadbolt locks installed in your home is increased security. Deadbolt locks provide a quick way to easily and confidently secure your home’s entrances and exits, or even basement, bedroom, and other interior doors. These locks are great because you can lock the deadbolt with a designated key when leaving, or you can use the deadbolt lock when you are inside your home and want to secure your home from intruders while you are inside. Some homeowners will leave deadbolt locked all the time, even during the day, but most will use them to secure their homes when they are away, when sleeping, or when alone in one’s home.


Deadbolt locks are simple to operate. These locks have the advantage of being secure, without being difficult to use. If you have children, they can easily learn to use a deadbolt lock once they are able to reach it. You can train your children to lock the door from the inside using the deadbolt lock. This can be one of the first introductions to home security for children and help them help teach them why it is important, as well as how to operate the lock when necessary and as is age-appropriate.

Easy Installation

If you are looking for not just ease-of-use, but an easy installation process as well, then deadbolt locks will be the best choice. A locksmith can install deadbolt locks easily and quickly without doing any damage to the door itself or the surrounding structure. Deadbolts can be used in conjunction with a traditional doorknob by being installed just a few inches above the doorknob. You will want to work with a locksmith since they are specially trained to know how to install the deadbolt properly and make sure everything lines up. Since a deadbolt lock would be ineffective if not installed properly, you will definitely want to call a locksmith to make sure your deadbolt lock is placed correctly and will offer you optimal security.


Purchasing deadbolt locks are no problem since they are highly affordable. Deadbolts will not set you back on your budget at all. The most affordable models will still work great and offer much-needed protection and security to your home. Depending on the make and model of the deadbolt locks you choose, along with how many total deadbolts you need installed in your home, the price you pay may vary.

Durable and Long-Lasting

Once you have invested in and have installed deadbolt locks in your home, you can count on them lasting a long time. You will likely not have to worry about changing your deadbolt locks again for quite some time if you replace them. They will withstand daily use and wear and tear typically for around 5-7 years before they will need to be replaced again.

Why You Should Have a Locksmith Install Your Deadbolts

While you may be able to walk into any hardware store, find a deadbolt lock, and install the deadbolt yourself, this is not recommended. Deadbolt locks are only effective if all parts are functioning together and the proper placement and positioning of the lock have been achieved. Some may not realize that there is a lot more to deadbolt locks than just inserting them into the door. Making sure that the door frame lines up perfectly with the lock is critical. This and other steps might be missed or done improperly if you were to attempt to install them yourself.

You will also save a lot of time and frustration by calling a locksmith. Professional locksmiths know what to look for in order to provide the most secure lock installation. They will look for and identify any potential problems with installation and be able to come up with the proper solution. Do not want to waste your time by trying to install the deadbolt yourself, especially if you have never done so before. You may only end up frustrated or with a faulty installation and need a locksmith in the end anyway. Or worse, you may believe the deadbolt is secure, only to find out in the worst possible way that the deadbolt is not able to withstand a break-in or is easily tampered with.
A locksmith will be able to assist you if you are considering deadbolt locks for your home. They are trained to make sure everything runs smoothly and the deadbolt locks you choose work as they are intended to. If you are considering deadbolt locks around your home, especially if it is for an entrance or exit to your home, call a locksmith to set an appointment. While some home improvement projects may not require professional help, this is one project you want to make sure you have a professional eye on. Your home security and the safety of your family is too important to not call in some help.